I see people 
		with their bored 
	people sitting in familiarity 
		as they smoke their 
	people encased in comfortable drinks 
		and their conversations 
				    on stools 
I hear people 
		staring at the television 
	people feeding the jukebox 
		as it mumbles out its messages 
	of people wanting the attraction of 
I talk to people 
		    telling me drunkenness and
		cigarettes of people who can't 
		    breath people as we 
			       drink the meaning of the words 
I play the pool table people 
	     learning to sink into the sublime
		numbness and thoughtless 
			daze of weekend people
	     that stare into each other's minds 
	            and desire the wrapped up in  
                                                                  her smell 
				  of eyes and voice 
                                                                  of her skin
	    that people always prefer 
		  as they take shots of 
		   of which I also am 
									Steve Johnson